Rajeev Sethi on Searching for Alternate Philosophies
Rajeev Sethi discusses creativity and the importance of promoting art and culture in contemporary societies.
Sai Nyi Nyi Soe: Investing in Burmese Culture and Artists
Sai Nyi Nyi Soe, the administrator of the Gitameit Music Center, discusses the aims and mission of the center and the institution’s eagerness to cooperate with other artistic institutions worldwide.
Bilguun Tushinbold: Promoting Local Understanding of Contemporary Art in Mongolia
Bilguun Tushinbold, a board member of the Mongolian Contemporary Art Support Association, discusses recent developments in the Mongolian contemporary-art scene and the role of local cultural and [...]
Hammad Nasar: “Excessive Enthusiasms: Building Archives and Fueling Practices”
Hammad Nasar, Head of Research and Programmes, Asia Art Archive, discusses the significance of preserving, building, and sharing digital archives of Asian art at the 2015 Arts & Museum Summit.